
Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Never ever go up to Genting on a public holiday expecially when it's followed up by a week of school holiday... It was crowded and ya, full of people... Mostly non-Malaysians to note...

Those days, when my bro and me were young, my parents would accompany us... Using the family package... But my mom can't stand sitting roller coasters so she often carry the bag of snacks and help us line up for other rides while we were playing others...

well, today i had to do almost the same thing... My bro and cousin bro asked me to hold their jacket while they go on the rides... all because i could not ride on it... somehow, i was so patient that i just sat there and wait...

Nowadays, my parents would give us cash to buy the outdoor ticket and snacks that we want to eat and leave us to play... they would be in the casino trying to "earn" some cash... sometimes, i will fight with my bro as to which ride to sit first... there was even once when he got sick after i made him sit a ride with me...

we could not sit much rides as we wanted or how many times because of the long queue... but of course, there are funny moments like, when my bro made us sit the kids' rides such as flying elephant and teacup... or when we sat flumb ride more than once and we never left our boat...

all in all, it was kinda fun except the waiting part...

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